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Quick Road Reconstruction Project

The Quechan Indian Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation retained Nicklaus to prepare construction documents for the Quick Road Reconstruction Project.  The scope of services included a Topographic Survey, Geotechnical Investigation, Design Concept Report, Hydrology & Hydraulics Study and Analysis, development of civil improvement plans, specifications and an Engineer’s Estimate for the reconstruction of the roadway.  The project was necessary because storm water runoff collects at the Quick Road underpass of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) causing a temporary water pond. Ponding has caused a deterioration of the existing pavement as well as causing traffic hazards and safety issues. Nicklaus was tasked to mitigate the ponding issue while additionally reconstructing a portion of Quick Road and repairing the deteriorated pavement.

Nicklaus provided 5 different options for The Quechan Indian Tribe to consider which included raising the grade of the Quick Road underpass, installing an underground storm water storage structure, designing storm water retention basins, installing a new storm drain that discharges into an existing drainage ditch, and the reduction of the existing drainage area.  Nicklaus recommended that the drainage area be reduced by constructing berms and retention basins within the existing right-of-way to prevent the storm water runoff from the adjacent properties entering the Quick Road underpass.  Additionally, the Quechan Indian Tribe requested that there be no runoff under the UPRR bridge. The underground storage system would collect the storm water runoff in new catch basins, directing the runoff through a new storm drain system into large diameter perforated pipes.  These pipes would store the total volume of the storm water runoff during a rain event and then allow the storm water to be disposed of by percolation into the soil through the perforations.

Project Type: Tribal

Client: Quechan Indian Tribe

Role: Engineer


  • Civil Engineering

Funding: $54,250

Location: Winterhaven, CA